Body Dharma

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Read Time:4 Minutes, 30 Seconds

For those of you who believe memory is a faculty that only attributes to the mind, oh you’re so wrong. Memory is present in every cell of your body. Leave alone the mind, Your body has its own wisdom – it carries the wisdom of centuries of life’s evolution in its cells.

I sometimes feel pity for those who stay on a fast on some religiously significant days but are feeling hungry. In India, Ekadasi, the eleventh lunar day of the two lunar phases which occur in a Vedic month, is regarded as a day in which people choose to fast for prolonged periods of time or have only one meal for the day. Fasting is medically and spiritually recommended once in a while but if you have to fast on a particular day, even when your body needs food – that is a sign of being partisan. Learn to listen to your organisms. Is it wrong to fast on an Ekadasi? Definitely NO. Yogic sciences can prove that fasting on an Ekadasi reaps maximum benefits on all levels but the idea of fasting on a particular date is wrong. The more we do so, the more people will lose awareness about their own bodies. If you learn to listen to your body, you can observe that your body will not feel hungry on a few days and more hungry on a few other days. If you had listened to your body, you’d know when to eat, when not to eat, when to eat what and when not to eat what and so on.

Learn to listen to your body. Yes, there are days when the body says, “Go on a fast!” – then fast. But there is no need to listen to the scriptures or any books for that matter. Scriptures are guidelines, not mandatory laws. I see a lot of people buying books on a healthy diet and following them. Eh, what? Why? It is as if you fall ill and you go to a patient’s house and look into his prescriptions, and start following them. That prescription was made for that particular patient, for some other disease, in some other situation.

Remember humans, are capable of learning their own organisms. I, in general, do not prefer eating Tamasic food ( Onions ) but there are days when my body demands Tamasic foods. When the body needs it, then don’t bother what the self-help books say. If your body says to eat three times a day, perfectly good. If it says to eat one time a day, perfectly good.

Start learning how to listen to your body, because it is your body. You are in it; you have to respect it. Because your body is the basis of whatever you do in life. But remember, this phenomenon of “listening to your body” is not and should not be taken psychologically. I am aware that, today, people read something on the internet and falsely hallucinate about it. You can only master your body by observing and awareness, never by reading or guessing.

It is your temple; it is sacrilegious to impose things on your body. For no other motive should anything be imposed! This will not only help you to learn your body – this will help you, by and by, learn existence too. Then your ability to understand and learn will grow, and you will understand the trees and the stars and the moon and the sun and the oceans. And yeah, you will understand people – without them having to talk to you or converse with you. You can just understand others just like that. No efforts are needed.

Mastering your body gives a kind of rootedness, centring – an axiom of sorts. In your very body, in your very being, this very moment, the divine ultimate resides – but because of the way you are, you just can’t celebrate it. You simply cannot celebrate.

Celebration has to happen first in your own home, at close quarters. Then it becomes a great tidal wave and spreads all over existence.

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